Monday 30 April 2012

Tech Movie Guide for 2012

While summer technically doesn't start until June, the unofficial start of the summer movie season happens the first weekend in May. Amidst all of the potential summer blockbuster movies are always movies that should appeal to the techie/geeky/comic-book-loving kid inside all of us. With that in mind, here are our choices for 12 movies you shouldn't miss this summer.

The Avengers (May 4)

Not only does this movie combine stars of the Marvel superhero franchises over the past few years (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc.), but it's directed by geek-favorite Joss Whedon ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Firefly"). This is THE movie you might have to wait in line to see. 

Dark Shadows (May 11)

At first glance, this movie might seem like another run-of-the-mill vampire movie, but then you discover it's directed by Tim Burton, and stars Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Michelle Pfeiffer. It's more of a comedy about a vampire who is buried alive, to return to the world of 1972. Based on Burton's particular style and Depp doing a vampire version of Captain Jack Sparrow, this looks to be like a flick that doesn't take itself too seriously like those other vampire movies.

MIB 3 (in 3D) (May 25)

The third installment of the "Men In Black" series once again has Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones chasing down alien menaces, although this time we also get a time-travel subplot, so we get to see early versions of Jones' character (played by Josh Brolin).

Prometheus (June 8)

From the director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner" comes a new film, in which a team of explorers in the future "discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe." Let's just say they end up having to fight aliens or some other kinds of creatures.

Safety Not Guaranteed (June 8)

The only limited release movie in our guide, this one is about a magazine writer who tries to track down the creator of a classified ad looking for a time travel companion, and the adventures that entail during this search. It's unclear whether actual time travel is involved or not, but it stars the adorable Aubrey Plaza from "Parks and Recreation," so we're in for that reason alone (plus the time travel angle).

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (June 22)

The second vampire movie of the summer that you might enjoy, especially if you're also a history buff or fan of Abraham Lincoln. Most people know about Lincoln after he became president, but this movie takes an approach of what Lincoln did before, and it includes hunting vampires. Umm, OK.

Brave (June 22)

The storyline is about a Scottish princess who wants to be more like a prince (with a bunch of archery and other themes), but since it's Pixar, any fan of computer animation will want to go see this film.

The Amazing Spider-Man (July 6)

Many comic-book geeks might say they're going to skip this "reboot" of the "Spider-Man" series, saying that it's too soon to revisit the series after the Tobey Maguire series of three movies, but they're lying. Of course they're going to line up to see this one. You know the story: Peter Parker gets bitten by a spider, becomes hero, saves the city from bad guy.

Ted (July 13)

Fans of the Fox cartoon "Family Guy" will want to line up for this movie, in which Seth MacFarlane writes, directs and voices the star in this live-action/CG animation movie. The movie stars Mark Walhberg as a grown man who has to deal with a teddy bear who came to life as the result of a childhood wish, as well as all of the very adult situations they encounter. WARNING: The trailer is NSFW.

The Dark Knight Rises (July 20)

Flying under the radar in a lot of the summer movie hype is the third installment of the Christopher Nolan-directed "Batman" series. Starring Christian Bale as Batman/Bruce Wayne, this one has him going up against Bane and Catwoman (Anne Hathaway).

Total Recall (Aug. 3)

Another remake of a science-fiction classic (the '90s movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger), this time around Colin Farrell stars as a man who has memories implanted (or replanted?) in a future society. This time around there's no trip to Mars, keeping it closer to the original storyline by Philip K. Dick.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green (Aug. 17)

OK, this last one is more of a tribute to Network World Senior Editor Tim Greene, but it's also a family movie about a couple who can't have a child, so they dream about what their child would be like. Then on a stormy night, young Timothy shows up on their doorstep with those exact features/traits.

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