Apple's patent for techniques
that would make data profiling more difficult foreshadows a possible future in
which at least one big business sides with consumers and fights against the
increasingly bothersome and widespread practice. It's a beautiful thought for
Internet, computer, and mobile users worried about the troublesome profiling of
consumer data that's so rampant. Cult of Mac's Mike Elgan spotted the patent called
"Techniques to pollute electronic profiling," which would presumably
allow for systematic lying to data-harvesting servers. "So let's say
you're in California, and you use your Mac to visit Amazon and use your VISA
card to buy the book Animal Farm by George Orwell," Elgan wrote.
"Apple's patent implies that these data harvesters would be lied to -- for
example, told that you're in Kansas on a Linux PC using your AMEX (with a fake
number) to buy the book 'Cooking with Pooh.'” He points out the disturbing fact
that the future is one in which it could be impossible to keep your personal
data from being harvested.
In February, Charles Duhigg wrote a fascinating article for The New York Times titled "How Companies Learn Your
Secrets" that singled out Target and its ability to determine if a woman
is most likely pregnant. It's able to do this because for decades the company
has been keeping tabs on what customers buy and then adds to customer profiles
demographic information such as age, marital status, number of children, what
neighborhoods they live in, their estimated salaries, what credit cards they
use, and what web sites they frequent. Of course, this kind of customer
profiling is done all the time by almost every major retailer, as well as
online companies such as Facebook and Google that profit by serving you
targeted ads based on the personal data or Internet usage data they have on
you. Strictly speaking, targeted ads can be useful; if you've got to put up
with it, it might as well be for something you might actually buy. But customer
and user profiling by big business can get creepy. If you've ever looked
yourself up on Spokeo you may know how troublesome it can be to see things like
your name, address, family members, age, wealth level, occupation, astrological
sign, house value, hobbies, interests, and ethnicity made public for the world
to see.
The Federal Trade Commission
recently announced it fined the company $800,000 for
selling information about people to employers without making sure the data was
accurate as well as for not notifying people if an employer decided not to hire
them based on what it learned from Spokeo. Spokeo told Forbes it will no longer sell information for
the purpose of screening candidates for employment, but one has to wonder how
many people's careers have been affected because of Spokeo's profiles. For
Apple's part, it is one company that manages to largely keep itself out of the privacy skirmishes that
seem to increasingly flare up between consumers, big business and the
government. This patent it's involved with could be good news for consumers.
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