Taller women have a slightly higher risk of ovarian
cancer, according to a review of studies. Obesity is also a risk factor
among women who have never taken HRT, say international researchers. Previous
studies have suggested a link, but there has been conflicting evidence. The
latest research, published in the journal PLoS Medicine, analysed all worldwide data on the topic. It looked
at 47 epidemiological studies in 14 countries, including about 25,000 women
with ovarian cancer and more than 80,000 women without ovarian cancer. Lead
researcher Prof Valerie Beral of the Oxford University Epidemiology Unit told
the BBC: "By bringing together the worldwide evidence, it became clear
that height is a risk factor." She said there was also a clear
relationship between obesity and ovarian cancer in women who had never taken
HRT. "Ovarian cancer can clearly be added to the list [of cancers linked
to obesity]," she added. Sarah Williams, health information officer at
Cancer Research UK, said the study produced a clearer picture of the factors
that could affect a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer, and found that
body size was important. "Women can reduce their risk of this and many
other diseases by keeping to a healthy weight," she said. "For women
trying to lose weight, the best method is to eat healthily, eat smaller amounts
and be more physically active." Commenting on the study, Dr Paul Pharoah,
reader in cancer epidemiology at the University of Cambridge, said the increase
in risk was small. "If we compare a woman who is 5ft tall with a woman who
is 5ft 6in tall, there is a relative difference in ovarian cancer risk of 23%. "But
the absolute risk difference is small. The shorter woman will have a lifetime
risk of about 16-in-a-1000 which increases to 20-in-a-1000 for the taller woman.
"A similar difference in absolute risk would be seen when comparing a slim
woman with a body mass index of 20 to a slightly overweight woman with a body
mass index of 30."
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